This game is not your average crossword puzzle, it features three different variations of the classic game. The first one is very akin to the crosswords you can find in any newspaper, but it does not feature any clues to solving it. Instead, you need to enter the listed words in the appropriate grid rows and columns. The words are sorted according to the amount of letters in each of them. Accordingly, for example, if a word consists of five letters, then you need to search for a row or column with five boxes to enter it. As in any crossword puzzle, many of the letters that make up a word are part of other words across or down, so you need to choose the most appropriate row or column to place your word (actually, it's practically the only clue to word placement you get). Every time you select a word you intend to put into the puzzle, the available rows and columns are highlighted, so you can enter the word more easily. The other two game options are Puzzle and Cypher. In the first one, you need to piece together a jigsaw puzzle using available pieces. In the Cypher game, you need to uncover the code to decipher the hidden message. All the three games have clues that allow you to continue playing if you feel lost.
If you love crossword puzzles with an unconventional touch, then you may like this game. You can play the trial version up to ten times. If you like the game and want to use it longer, then you need to purchase a license, which is very affordable.